Thursday, December 11, 2008

One Night Only

I'm interested in hearing what people thought about this show. I'm only
familiar with two of the artists.

1 comment:

joshua caleb weibley said...

it was a surprisingly great show, given that it was produced as a result of an instructor's prompt. the involved students greatly benefited from each other and work from them that I've seen previously was much more interesting whithin the constructed environment of the show.

though the show was made for a painting class, "painting" itself was used less for its own virtues than as a prop for theatrical discussions of the effects and affects of art-viewing/making. for me that was partially refreshing; at this point I don't think I can extend the appropriate patience to appreciate a show composed solely of paintings (...which probably reflects more poorly on myself than on the grand tradition of painting). On the other hand, though, I'm also fairly skeptical of the installation art tropes that the show relied heavily on.

even though it's probably just the sentimentality that my cynical exterior betrays: I liked having a cat in the room. I'm not sure that having one there would always "work" or be meaningful in a show, but it was an interesting idea that was just as interesting in its execution.